Artificial intelligence based on the neural matrix
There are several options for schemes in which the multiverse is depicted as a set of balls, each of which symbolizes a separate universe.
There are even attempts to think about how these bubbles - universes collide with each other.
In fact, such a picture is the fruit of our innate spatial stereotype, which tries to represent any physical object in the form of a three-dimensional image.
If you want to understand the multiverse, forget about geometry!
In fact, the multiverse cannot be represented in three dimensions, for the same reason that terrestrial geography cannot explain the structure of the galaxy.
Worlds separated by fundamental interactions
The idea of a relativistic multiverse says that each separate space is a fragment of matter, isolated using its own set of fundamental interactions (in our case, gravity, electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear).
In other words, there is no empty space as an initially prepared scene of being, but there is matter and its fundamental interactions, the parameters of which determine the three-dimensional space we perceive.
In short, the play of matter gives rise to the illusion of space.
Our Universe is a small fragment of matter in a vast world that we cannot see.
According to the concept of the relativistic multiverse, our entire world (our three-dimensional Universe) is nothing more than a fragment of matter capable of interacting. It only seems to us that space exists - as a kind of empty volume and matter as something located inside this volume.
In fact, everywhere around and even inside us there can be a sea of other matter with its own fundamental interactions. This alien matter, (like ours), interacting with itself, forms its own spaces - universes, which also seem to the intelligent inhabitants of these worlds as empty volumes with their own planets and star systems.
When separate worlds coexist together
In the concept of the relativistic multiverse, uniting for the entire system of different spaces - worlds will be not the dimension (geometry), but the amount of motion (velocity).
Just like in SRT (special relativity) - the main thing is speed
You change the speed (amount of motion), you start interacting with other matter and, accordingly, you find yourself in another world - another space.
The relativistic multiverse is like a huge communal apartment, divided into separate worlds - spaces with the help of momentum - speed and sets of fundamental interactions depending on this speed.
Why gravity depends on inertia or the basis for a new and unusual concept of the multiverse
The relativistic multiverse is a model of physical reality in which the observable three-dimensional Universe is not a sphere with a diameter of 93 billion light years, which looks like a bubble floating in infinity, but a fragment of matter, united by speed or amount of motion, which, using fundamental interactions, creates the illusion of time and internal three-dimensional volume.
In the model of the relativistic multiverse, our geometry and time are not an initially existing scene or a certain area in which the material objects of our world are located, but the result of the work of fundamental interactions is a kind of illusion generated by the speed parameters - the amount of motion in one common material fragment.
For this reason, in the model of the relativistic multiverse, inertia and mass are, in fact, the same phenomenon.
In the world described by the new concept, in the general multiverse, there is only one mass - inert, and gravity (heavy mass) is also inertia, resulting from the interaction of the outer shells of particles.
In other words, gravity is also inertia.
In such a case, in our Universe, the inertia must have two momentum vectors.
The first vector is linear, the particle is moving forward (or orbiting) and this is the generally accepted definition of inertia.
The second vector is the motion of a particle around its axis (a new definition of the physical meaning of the spin). This motion gives inertia in the formulation of heavy mass and predetermines the belonging of matter to our three-dimensional Universe.
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